Senator Mitt Romney, An ?Honorable Politician

An honorable Senator Romney would immediately use his political capital to undercut Senate GOP Leader McConnell and the GOP caucus’ Trumpian agenda by resigning from the Republican Party, declare himself an independent, and caucus with the Senate Democrats as, in Romney’s own words “my (Republican) party really doesn’t believe in the Constitution.”

Senator Mitt Romney, An ?Honorable Politician Read »

The Republican Party’s Path to Power is Predicated on Political Paralysis, Societal Mayhem and Worse

America is polarized because political paralysis, societal mayhem and worse are the Republican leadership’s only path to power. The GOP has shifted so far to the right that it has now become professional suicide for most Republican Senators and House members to participate in a political compromise.

The Republican Party’s Path to Power is Predicated on Political Paralysis, Societal Mayhem and Worse Read »

One Physician’s Frustrations of Practicing Amidst the CHIPHIT Complex and Implications for the Future of the U.S. Healthcare System 

If we hope to improve the healthcare of all Americans we must redirect funding away from the CHIPHIT complex and toward entities that prioritize a high quality, low cost, egalitarian healthcare system.

One Physician’s Frustrations of Practicing Amidst the CHIPHIT Complex and Implications for the Future of the U.S. Healthcare System  Read »

Spider in a web eating a caduceus.

A Political Thought Experiment: Democracy’s Survival Is Predicated on the Judicial Conviction and Imprisonment of Donald Trump

To protect our democracy, Trump must be expeditiously convicted in Federal Court and his conviction affirmed by the Supreme Court. He must then be remanded to prison according to statue.

A Political Thought Experiment: Democracy’s Survival Is Predicated on the Judicial Conviction and Imprisonment of Donald Trump Read »

Erase His Name From Our Consciousness: Substitute “#HeWhoMustNotBeNamed” for “@realDonaldTrump” and “Donald Trump”

To reduce Trump’s influence on we must erase his name from the public discourse. Substitute #HeWhoMustNotBeNamed when you intend @realDonaldTrump, Donald Trump, President Trump, or Trump.

Erase His Name From Our Consciousness: Substitute “#HeWhoMustNotBeNamed” for “@realDonaldTrump” and “Donald Trump” Read »

Forty Features Which Should Be in All Electronic Health Records including Epic & Cerner

Electronic Health Records are the prime cause of physician dissatisfaction with our health care system because these systems were designed to maximize billing revenue and with little regard for the needs of the physician user. Here are 40 suggestions to improve the functionality of EHRs…

Forty Features Which Should Be in All Electronic Health Records including Epic & Cerner Read »

A Proposal to Increase the Transparency and Quality of Electronic Health Records

Errors and bias (inadvertent and commercial) in the computer code of EHRs can have serious ramifications for the health care system. As the EHR’s programming code is proprietary, there is no opportunity for the health care community to identify and fix these errors. However…

A Proposal to Increase the Transparency and Quality of Electronic Health Records Read »

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